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The Et Purus is created by sculptor Sassona Norton, New York, USA who's idea was chosen in competition with other internationally renown sculptors. One of Sassona Norton's most famous sculptures is a 9/11 memorial monument.

It is a sculpture and symbol conveying the message of pure health and clean sports. It is created to honor the legacy of Professor Arne Ljungqvist, who has devoted his life long career for the sake of athletes' health and the basic fuoundation of all sports – fair play.

The victory finger – a sign used everywhere
The hand gesture is used by people everywhere – intentionally and unconsciously. By young and old, girls and boys, women and men, in sports and on the streets, for fun and when being serious, by pop artists and their raving fans, by dancers, preachers, parents and kids. It is available as Emojis for billions of people in smartphones and social medias. It is portrayed by celebrities, cartoon and movie characters and by politicians. Anybody and everybody own the popular gesture.

More about the gesture.

The ring – A window to your body fingerprint
The tip of the index finger is the window into your body fingerprint and the very spot where the blood test commonly is performed. It will tell you and others if you are pure and clean, if your are ill or if you are doped.

Sculpted in bronze and stainless steel
The sculpture is now being crafted in bronze and stainless steel. It will be placed at public sites in cities around the world. Cities that want to remind their citizens and visitors about the benefits of living a life based on pure healthy choices and sound moral values. The first two sculptures will be placed in Monaco and Stockholm. Unveiling ceremonies are being planned in 2017 and 2018.




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